Balcony gardening

There is a balcony gardening solution for every space, even a small one.

Chose a spot on your balcony, rooftop or window sill that receives at least 6 hours of sun. If you only get 5 hours, then you will want to focus on planting leafy greens and herbs. Watering will be key to the success of your garden. Gardening in smaller pots means that the soil will dry out faster so make sure that watering is easy. Place your garden is in a high-traffic area or space that you will visit frequently. Your presence is your best tool in having a successful vegetable garden.

The Potager Urbain is one of our best sellers. An Urban Seedling product, it is made in Montreal with 100% recycled materials. A fantastic option if  you are looking for a quick garden set up, without building or digging. This is a garden bag that you unfold and fill with soil. The fabric allows for great drainage and aeration for growing healthy and happy vegetables. Easy to pack up at the end of  the season and clean.

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The Noocity Growbed is our first self-watering garden bed. It has a reservoir that waters your garden while you are away. Holes on the side let excess water drain out after a big rainfall. Thus low-maintenance grow bed is easy to assemble, easy to plant, and has great aeration for root systems. If you are installing your garden in a harder-to-reach area, the Noocity Growbed is a great option.

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Do you have a smaller space? Our Jardin en sac line offers a wide range of sizes of pots, all made here in Montreal from 100% recycled material and are durable and reusable. These beautiful handmade pots are great for growing edibles as they have excellent aeration and drainage. Keep them close as these pots with their smaller soil volume need to be watered more often than the Potager Urbain or Noocity growbed.

If your available space is vertical, we also have solutions. The garden tower  is the ultimate patio farm made of 100% recycled food-grade plastic. The garden tower is vertical organic gardening and vermicomposting combined. Lots of planting space and big soil volume.

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If you would like to use walls or railings as garden spaces, try our hanging wall pockets. Metal grommets allow you to fasten them easily. These hanging pockets are made of 100% recycled material here in Montreal. Excellent for growing herbs, edible flowers, leafy greens, beans and strawberries.

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Urban Seedling also offers custom living-wall installations, a great way to make the most of your growing space in the city. Hanging wall pockets are made from a 100% recycled materials here in Montréal. We fill them with our custom Urban Seedling soil blend and plant them with our organic seedlings. Each  living wall is made custom to your needs. Contact us for a consultation today.