Vegetable gardening newsletter #18


Sorry (again) for the late newsletter. Time keeps on tickin’, tickin’, tickin’…

Our seedlings are growing and our fall replants are officially underway! We are removing beans, broccoli, cabbage, onions in the raised bed and garlic. If you do not have any of these vegetables in your garden, you will not receive a replanting visit. We will also remove plants that are really not doing well. If you would like us to replace some plants and do not think you will be getting a visit please let me know.

Fall Seedlings

I am really excited to get the lettuce, spinach, beets and carrots into your gardens for a great fall harvest. This summer was a tough one for fruiting vegetables since there were a lot of overcast or rainy days. There just wasn’t enough sun or heat to really get the veggies ripening up early or often. We do still have two months left, hopefully this hot sunny weather will stick around for a bit to turn things around for those green tomatoes!

At this time of year it is normal for fruiting vegetable plants to start to look..well…”ugly”. They put all of their energy into producing and ripening their ‘fruit’ and start to sacrifice their leaves. If your bottom tomato leaves are yellow or ratty looking, you can just cut them off. Cucumber and zucchini leaves may be starting to yellow and shrivel as well. Removing these sacrificed leaves is not absolutely necessary, but can help the plant ‘focus’ 🙂

My favourite summer salad: Maybe you saw this already on our Facebook page, or on Twitter I just love sharing it. The picture is taken is on my clover “lawn” and is purple and green basil, marketmore, lemon, and greenfinger cucumbers and rose de berne and black cherry tomatoes. Delicious! I put some balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt pepper and crushed garlic on before enjoying with dinner.

Summer Salad

Tereska Gesing

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